And applying for a small business credit card generally takes more time than a personal card. If you’ve got a high amount of credit with Chase, you could be nearing your overall credit limit. You may have applied for too many credit cards, which violates their 5/24 rule that I’ll tell you more about in the next section. Box 15298, Wilmington, DE 19850.īut before you contact them, there may be some common reasons why your credit card application didn’t get approved immediately. Or you can send a letter to Chase to the following address: Card Services, P.O.Send them an encrypted email, or start a live chat with any available Chase representative. You can log onto their website and do one of two things.There is no toll to pay and it is available 24 hours a day. You can call Chase on their telephone number, which in the U.S.The method you use will affect the time it takes to process your application, and anything that is done by physical mail traditionally takes longer than by phone or online.īut if you’re concerned about your application, or you haven’t heard back from Chase in quite a while, you can also check up on your application using these three ways: When you apply for a credit card at Chase Bank, you can do so on the Internet, over the phone, or by mail. You can find all the details on them here. This means how important it is in terms of your overall score. There are dozens of these, and each category is given a different weighting. If you are given your credit score, special ‘reason codes’ will be provided which will tell you why that score was not higher. And if it was relevant to their decision, you’ll be told your credit score. You’ll have the right to challenge the information that Chase made their decision with.
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You’ll be eligible to claim a free credit report within 60 days from that same agency. You’ll be given the name and contact details of the credit reporting agency that was used by Chase. The notice will also include some other information that’s worth being aware of.

That’s something you can work on.īut beware, because every credit card application you make lowers your credit score slightly. Their feedback should allow you to improve the next time you apply because the bank will tell you what they disliked. Some examples include having a low credit score, earning too little money, or lacking a credit history.