Risk of rain 2 expansion
Risk of rain 2 expansion

Low-temperature extremes (cold spells, frosty days) could become less frequent in Europe. Higher temperatures increase the evaporation of water, which – together with the lack of precipitation – increases the risks of severe droughts.

risk of rain 2 expansion

Meanwhile, the yields and viability of agriculture and livestock, or the capacity of ecosystems to provide important services and goods (such as the supply of clean water or cool and clean air) could be diminished. This could in turn lead to increased numbers of pests and invasive species, and a higher incidence of certain human diseases. Temperature rises are also likely to influence phenology – the behaviour and lifecycles of animal and plant species. These changes are altering the distribution and abundance of many plant and animal species, which are already under pressure from habitat loss and pollution. Higher temperatures are also expected to cause a shift in the geographical distribution of climate zones. The most vulnerable members of the population, such as the elderly and infants, will be most severely affected. Higher temperatures can cause increased mortality, reduced productivity and damage to infrastructure. The climate crisis has increased the average global temperature and is leading to more frequent high-temperature extremes, such as heatwaves.

Risk of rain 2 expansion